Wednesday, 8 January 2020

Eating Habits We All Should Adapt Now!

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I’m the worst when it comes to committing healthy choices for a long period of times. Instead, I choose to adapt some daily habits that help to keep myself on track without feeling like I have to work for it. If you ever struggle with adapting new habits, these tips are definitely for you:
healthy eating habits, food, nutrition, tips
So this might be a bit obvious for you all at this point, but it’s important to always keep reminding yourself that it’s a must. You can use this app here to track how many glasses you have a day and remind yourself to drink up!
DON’T SKIP BREAKFAST.Alright, I get it, you might be super busy in the mornings, we all are… You don’t need hours for preparing a good breakfast if you plan ahead tho. You can make something for yourself the night before or prepare some Frozen Smoothie Packs. It will only take you a few minutes to make and you can take it on the go if you’re running late.
QUIT SUGAR.Now I’m not telling you to freak out about all the sugar you find in your daily products, but you should at least try and reduce unnecessary consumption. Believe me, you don’t NEED to add sugar or syrups into your cup of coffee or tea, it really is just a bad habit. First few cups might taste weird if you never tasted sugarless caffeine, but you will get used to that sooner than you think. Same with sodas. You might think a can of your favourite drink is a must to have with your lunch, but it really isn’t. Have some water instead, you’ll feel much better about yourself!
EAT MORE GREENS.Always have some greens with your food. It can be as little as a handful of spinach on your dinner plate, but it will make a huge difference in your nutrition. If you feel like you have a trouble eating greens, you can always make delicious smoothies and add some of spinach/rockets or any other greens you have! You won’t feel the strong taste and yet you’ll still get all those vitamins!
AVOID PROCESSED FOODS.I know it seems easier and cheeper to purchase processed foods and you are absolutely right about it, but you should always double check what kind of processed food you use. For instance, pre-chopped veggies or fruits canned in their own juice are not that bad. Of course, fresh products are always the best choice. However, if you don’t have enough storage for keeping them, choose lesser of two evils and at least go with bio products. Let me state the obvious- if you don’t bring bad food to your home- you won’t eat it. Thus, next time- think twice before you buy.

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